It is truly exciting to see the way that God continues to expand and enable this ministry. The leadership of this ministry is now represented by three different leadership teams:
Our WITNESS Project Leadership Team
Our Ministry Board Leadership Team
It would be an understatement to communicate to you how excited I am over the way that God has led in the development of our total leadership and the direction that we are headed.
On each of these teams and in every direction God has given us a group of people who are laboring for the WITNESS Project and the spreading of the Gospel worldwide. Most of these individuals are giving their time and labors sacrificially. It is very humbling to be a part of a ministry of this scope and outreach.
I wanted to say a special word of thanks to each of our team members for their dedication and commitment to this ministry. It is truly a challenge to move forward at such a rapid pace as we are doing worldwide.
Yours for Souls,
David A. Wood